Recipe by @beeveganbabe
The colour of the day is undeniably green for St. Patrick’s day, and if anyone is wanting to spend the day only eating green food, we not only applaud you but encourage this behaviour too. So in that spirit, why not try these vibrant and green spirulina waffles to get your day off to a good start?

Made using our Organic Spirulina Powder, this dose of ultra-green goodness provides so much goodness for your body. Why? Simply put, spirulina’s nutritional profile is off the spectrum. It’s packed to the brim with a little bit of everything, making a great case for its superfood-status. It contains between 55-70% Protein, 10-25% Carbohydrates and 5-20% Fat and well as a multitude of micronutrients like vitamin B1, 2 and 3, copper, iron, magnesium and manganese.
Its believed health benefits include:
Strong antioxidant properties
Reduced blood pressure
Reduced symptoms from allergies
Lowered ‘bad’ cholesterol
We said these would get you off to a good start…
Vegan Spirulina Waffles Recipe
90g self raising flour
170g plant milk
Drizzle with agave syrup for extra sweetness
Mix all ingredients together (other than the agave syrup).
Cook in a waffle maker.
Drizzle with agave syrup and add your favourite toppings.

Vegan Rainbow Donuts | St Patrick's Day Recipe
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with these delicious no-fry donuts.